Here's a sampling of what I'll have on the day.
+ Button cards. I have lots of buttons and am not much of a sewer so thought I'd sell them for others to enjoy. Bows, owls, flowers... something for everyone.
+ Pretend postcards. These debuted many moons ago at the last Kraftbomb I attended. I say "pretend" because the postage stamps on them are already used, but they come with a cream coloured envelope to pop them in. I have slowly amassed a collection of vintage stamps from around the world and I have put some of the prettiest on these cards.
+ Hanging Owlies, a Purrsie staple. Hand stitched with love, great for the Christmas tree or any where you want to hang a little cute. This is the last of the bunch as I have run out of their large vintage button eyes. These little lovers will be there with some of their mates and then you might see them no more!
Ooh please save me a little wee owl... I have wanted one for ages! I'll pop down and say 'ello at some point on Sunday :)
ReplyDeleteSure! See you then :-)