30 September 2009

500 days of summer

Yipee! This comes out in NZ on the 1st October 2009. That's tomorrow!
I have watched the trailer like a zillion times. Come on, who can resist Zooey? I want to be her best friend. And I must say that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is looking rather cute these days too...

If you see it, pop a review in the comments! x

Here's the youtube link to the trailer

16 September 2009

Ch-check it out!

Just added a few new items to my etsy shop.

11 September 2009

lovely package exchange

I recently took part in the lovely package exchange hosted by oh, hello friend.

I was paired up with a lovely girl named Katie from Washington State, who I must say has been very patient. With all that has been going on lately I only just managed to get her lovely package away earlier this week. It's on its way Katie!

Well, the other day I returned from work and found this little candy striped box sitting in my letterbox. How exciting! Looks like MAF got excited too and inspected it before me.

Luckily I remembered to document the unwrapping as we are to post pics of our lovely packages on a flickr page dedicated to the exchange.

Here are just some of the items I received in my lovely package. Thanks so much Katie! I adore every single item.

01 September 2009

moving places, new spaces

We purchased our first home less than a month ago and we just completed the mighty move. Living out of boxes for the last couple of days has been a right nuisance and I wish everything could just magically find its correct place! Oh dear, all in good time I suppose.

An exciting part of owning your own space is that you get to do it up however your heart desires. Our new place is in need of a serious makeover so I have been working on designing our new bathroom. I decided on a light oak woodgrain vanity because well, I am nuts on woodgrain! A quick flip through the Ikea site confirmed my decision. My bathroom won't be as fancy pants as these but I can certainly try, right?

all screen grabs from ikea.com