10 February 2009

lovely lanterns

I have been neglecting my little blog! Didn't mean to ignore you, just... been busy.
Well. I have been both enjoying and hiding from the sun. It's a nice reprieve to have some rain here in Auckland but with it comes the awful humidity. Ick!

Popped along to the Lantern Festival on Friday evening. The lanterns are awesome but I would be telling fibs if I said I didn't go along for the food. It's the only time of year I enjoy some tasty satay chicken skewers. Yum! I was also on the hunt for bubble tea. I saw lots of people enjoying it but couldn't make my way through the crowds to find any!
I haven't actually tasted it before but I hear it is good.

Oh, and I treated myself to something unbelievely wonderful this weekend. A new aluminium MacBook!
Ahhhh... think I am in love xxx


  1. i love those animal lanterns! last time I was there they had some sheep, adorable...

  2. I was there too!

    I cannot believe you haven't had bubble tea...you're coming with me, my shout!

    Yeeha, new MacBook eh...jealous much! You lucky thing!

  3. Yes I'm sure they had some sheep this year too Heleen!

    I can't believe it either Deb. I am missing out. I would love to go sometime! x
